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Updated 12 March 2025

This page contains the information and forms that you, as an Employee, need to:

Important Information

Note: As an Employee, you should already be in receipt of your own travel facilities before you use any of the forms on this page.

By applying for and using any staff travel facilities, you agree to abide by the Conditions of Issue and Use and have read our Privacy Notice.

We can only accept forms online or via post. If you are unable to submit forms online, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for advice.

Family Members Forms

To prevent a delay in the issue of passes please attach a current passport style photograph to the application. (This requirement does not apply to Safeguarded employees).

Please allow at least 6 weeks for the application for new family members to be processed.

If you apply online, you will see a green banner after pressing submit to tell you if your application has been submitted successfully and you will not get a further confirmation of this. Once processed you will receive an email from us.

Add Spouse or Partner (XX02a)
  • For a Spouse - you must attach a Marriage Certificate.
  • For a Civil Partner - you must attach a Civil Partnership Certificate.
  • For a Partner - you must attach a completed and stamped Partner Declaration form XX03 (see below).
  • For a non-cohabiting partner - you must attach a completed and stamped Non-Cohabiting Partner Declaration XX04 (see below)
  • Please submit documents as a JPG, JPEG or PDF file of less than 4Mb.

Marriage or Civil Partnership certificates can be obtained from the authority that maintains the registrations of births and marriages. In England and Wales this is through the HM Gov website, or in Scotland through the National Records Scotland website. Other countries will have their own processes.

Please send us a copy of certificates, not the original. RST does not accept liability for the loss of or damage to, or any consequential loss arising from the loss of or damage to, original documents that are sent to us however this may arise.

Add Child Dependant (XX02b)
  • For children aged 18 or over, you must also submit a Child Declaration.
  • For children that are adopted, fostered or subject to guardianship or residency order, you must attach the Adoption Certificate, Foster Order, Special Guardianship Order or Residency Order.
  • For your own or your Spouse/Partner's child, you must attach a Full (long) Birth Certificate. A Full birth certificate is needed as the short version does not provide Parents' details which are needed to establish eligibility. Copies of the Full Birth Certificate can be obtained from the issuing authority.
  • Please submit documents as a single JPG, JPEG or PDF file of less than 4Mb.

Please do not send original Birth Certificates.RST does not accept liability for the loss of or damage to, or any consequential loss arising from the loss of or damage to, original documents that are sent to us however this may arise.

Child Declaration (XX05)
  • For children aged 18 or over (may additionally be used for dependants age 16-17 at RST's discretion)
  • Please check the eligibility code on the form and submit proof of eligibility (if required) as a JPG, JPEG or PDF file of less than 4Mb.
Partner Declaration (XX03)

This form must be attached to the Add Spouse or Partner XX02a form along with a photograph of the spouse/partner.

For Partner applications (if you are not married or in a civil partnership) there are two requirements:

  • You must make a statutory declaration (under the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835) as evidence you are in a meaningful relationship with your partner. You must make this declaration in front of one of types the legal officials listed below who must hear the declaration.
  • You must be co-habiting at the same address. (If you are not co-habiting at the same address, you do not meet the eligibility requirements).

The form must be fully completed (following the instructions on the rear) and must be signed and stamped by one of the following:

  1. A solicitor authorised to act as a Commissioner for Oaths and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (England & Wales) or Law Society of Scotland (Scotland) or Law Society of Northern Ireland, (also requires Firm Stamp or Letterhead). Please note that not all solicitors in Scotland may be authorised to witness a Statutory Declaration.
  2. A Notary Public (listed by the Notaries Society) (also requires Firm Stamp or Letterhead)
  3. A Magistrate or Justice of the Peace sitting in court (also requires Court Stamp)
  4. A Commissioner for Oaths (also requires Firm Stamp or Letterhead)
Non-Cohabiting Partner Declaration (XX04)

This form must be attached to the Add Spouse or Partner XX02a form along with a photograph of the spouse/partner.

For Partner applications (if you are not married or in a civil partnership) there is one requirement:

  • You must make a statutory declaration (under the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835) as evidence you are in a meaningful relationship with your partner. You must make this declaration in front of one of types the legal officials listed below who must hear the declaration.

The form must be fully completed (following the instructions on the rear) and must be signed and stamped by one of the following:

  1. A solicitor authorised to act as a Commissioner for Oaths and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (England & Wales) or Law Society of Scotland (Scotland) or Law Society of Northern Ireland, (also requires Firm Stamp or Letterhead). Please note that not all solicitors in Scotland may be authorised to witness a Statutory Declaration.
  2. A Notary Public (listed by the Notaries Society) (also requires Firm Stamp or Letterhead)
  3. A Magistrate or Justice of the Peace sitting in court (also requires Court Stamp)
  4. A Commissioner for Oaths (also requires Firm Stamp or Letterhead)

Residential Travel, Season Ticket and Flexi Season application Forms

These forms are not valid for use by holders of the RST Online Leisure Card.
Employee Residential Travel (XX01)
  • Please ensure that the start date on your residential travel application gives us at least 7 business days for us to generate the authorisation.
  • Before you submit your form, please check that you are requesting a valid journey for which a ticket can be issued. You can do this using the National Rail Season Ticket Calculator
  • If approved, RST will issue either a Residential Pass or a Privilege Season Ticket authorisation.
  • You have a choice of where to purchase your season ticket, either a station ticket office or using RST Online.
  • If you select RST Online
    • you will then be able to buy subsequent season tickets without approval from Rail Staff Travel each time (whilst your home address and work location are unchanged).
    • you can make payment through your RST Online account. If you have your RST Season Ticket Smartcard your season ticket will be available to be fulfilled to your Smartcard.
    • you can transfer the season ticket to your Smartcard using the National Rail Smartcard Manager app and your smartphone.
    • if you would like to apply for an RST Online Smartcard, please ensure that you have registered for RST Online and please submit form XX42. Please note you will still need to submit an XX01 form. RST Online Smartcards are only available to employees and not dependants.
  • If you select Ticket Office
    • you will need to apply to RST each time you want a season ticket
    • you will be sent a Season Ticket authorisation form, you must take this to a station booking office to purchase the ticket. You must have your photo ID with you. This should be your public Photo ID card 
    • for a new season ticket, if the start date is a Saturday, Sunday or Monday (also Tuesday after a Bank Holiday), the ticket can be purchased from noon on the previous Friday. If the start date is another day, the ticket can only be purchased after noon on the previous day. Please do not try and buy one outside of these timescales.
    • for a renewal which has no break in continuity from an existing priv season ticket, you may purchase the renewal anytime up to seven days in advance.
    • You need to apply every time you need a new Priv-rate or reduced-rate Season Ticket.
Dependant Season Ticket (XX31)
  • Please apply at least 7 days in advance.
  • If approved, RST will issue a Dependant Season Ticket authorisation form.
  • Season ticket authorisation forms will be returned to you approx 7 days in advance.
  • If you are sent a Season Ticket authorisation form, you must take this to a station booking office to purchase the ticket. You must have your photo ID with you.
  • For a new season ticket, if the start date is a Saturday, Sunday or Monday (also Tuesday after a Bank Holiday), the ticket can be purchased from noon on the previous Friday. If the start date is another day, the ticket can only be purchased after noon on the previous day. Please do not try and buy one outside of these timescales.
  • For a renewal which has no break in continuity from an existing priv season ticket, you may purchase the renewal anytime up to seven days in advance.
  • You need to apply for a new authorisation form every time you need a new Priv-rate or reduced-rate Season Ticket.
Employee Priv-rate Flexi Season Application (XX32)
  • Please ensure that the start date on your season ticket gives us at least 7 business days for us to generate the authorisation.
  • Before you submit your form, please check that you are requesting a valid journey for which a Flexi Season can be issued. You can do this using the National Rail Season Ticket Calculator
  • Please note that Flexi Season tickets are not available for journeys entirely within the London Fare Zones Area, so if the journey is wholly within a Travelcard Zone or Zones then ticket office staff cannot sell a Flexi Season ticket.  They are also not available on rail journeys entirely within the Scotrail network, the Transport for Wales network and the MerseyRail travel area. They are also not available for journeys wholly on London Overground or MTR Elizabeth Line. They are not available on Open Access Operators.
  • You can now purchase season tickets via RST Online and have the choice of where to purchase you season ticket.
  • If you select RST Online you can make payment through your RST Online account. If you already have your RST Season Ticket Smartcard you will see an option to have your season fulfilled to your Smartcard.
  • If you would like to apply for an RST Online Smartcard, please ensure that you have registered for RST Online and please submit form XX42. Please note that you will still need to submit an XX32 form as usual. Please also note that, at present, RST Online Smartcards are only available to employees.
  • If you are sent a Season Ticket authorisation form, you must have your photo ID with you. This can be a TOC specific smartcard with a photo incorporated, a 2021/22 Rail Staff Leisure Card or a BTP Warrant Card and you will need a public ITSO Smartcard when you go to buy your Priv-rate Flexi Season. 
  • You need to apply for a new authorisation form every time you need a new Priv-rate Flexi Season.
Dependant Priv-rate Flexi Season Application (XX33)
  • Please ensure that the start date on your season ticket gives us at least 7 business days for us to generate the authorisation.
  • Before you submit your form, please check that you are requesting a valid journey for which a Flexi Season can be issued. You can do this using the National Rail Season Ticket Calculator
  • Please note that Flexi Season tickets are not available for journeys entirely within the London Fare Zones Area, so if the journey is wholly within a Travelcard Zone or Zones then ticket office staff cannot sell a Flexi Season ticket.  They are also not available on rail journeys entirely within the Scotrail network, the Transport for Wales network and the MerseyRail travel area. They are also not available for journeys wholly on London Overground or MTR Elizabeth Line. They are not available on Open Access Operators.
  • Flexi Seasons can only be issued to child dependants aged 16 and over who are in full time education.
  • You will need a public ITSO Smartcard when you go to buy your Priv-rate Flexi Season. You should check the FAQs for where to get these.
  • If approved, RST will issue a  Dependant Season Ticket authorisation form.
  • If you are sent a Flexi Season authorisation form, you must take this to a station booking office to purchase the ticket. You must have your photo ID with you. This can be a TOC specific smartcard with a photo incorporated or a 2021/22 Rail Staff Leisure Card.
  • You need to apply for a new authorisation form every time you need a new Priv-rate Flexi Season.
Employee Season Ticket Smartcard (XX42)
  • Please only use this form if you would like to apply for an RST Online Season Ticket Smartcard in order to purchase season tickets via RST Online
  • This is currently only available to active employees
  • You will be able to purchase your season ticket via RST Online and have your season ticket loaded onto your smartcard. Please note, this smartcard can only be used for the pre-approved season ticket journey, it is not possible to add leisure tickets onto the smartcard.
  • You will also need to ensure that you have registered for RST Online via
  • You will still be required to submit an Employee Residential Form (XX01) or Employee Priv-rate Flexi Season (XX32) form as normal.
  • Smartcards will be sent via First Class post and you will receive confirmation when your smartcard has been ordered, you will also be able to see when the card is available for use in your RST Online account.

International Travel Forms

These forms are not valid for use by holders of the RST Online Leisure Card.

The Travel Tips for Europe document on Where can I go contains more details of how to use these international travel benefits.

Important information for all International Travel facilities
The names on the International Travel Documents must match the names on your passports. If they do not match, you may be refused travel when abroad. So, if:

  • the names on your Staff Travel Card or Rail Staff Leisure Card are different to your passport names, or
  • RST have not previously issued International Travel Documents in the correct passport name

then you must not submit this form online. Please complete the form, attach it to an email and send it to RST confirming the passport names to be used for all family members.

FIP Card Request (XX09a)
  • This form is not applicable if you work for Network Rail and hold the RST Online Leisure Card.
  • Use this form to apply for a new FIP Card.
  • If you already hold an FIP Card, these will be automatically renewed by RST, so there is no need to re-apply.

Important information for International Free Coupons

Applications for coupons must be made at least 3 weeks before your outward travel date.

International Coupons Application - Employee and Family members (XX09c)
  • This form is not applicable if you work for Network Rail and hold the RST Online Leisure Card.
  • Use this form to apply for International Coupons when both the Employee and Family members are travelling. Please note that if the employee is not travelling with family members, coupons will be issued for the employee, as the annual quota of coupons applies to a family group (not an individual).
  • For a family application, coupons will be issued to all eligible family members, (subject to the allowances for family members from each carrier). 
  • If you order a large number of coupons, RST may request an outline itinerary to justify the application.
  • FIP Cards will be issued to yourself and all eligible family members if you do not already hold them
  • Coupons will be posted approximately 2 weeks before your indicated date of travel.
  • Once coupons are posted by RST, they cannot be replaced if they are lost or damaged, or if you are unable to use them, and RST cannot accept them back under any circumstance.
International Coupons Application - Employee only (XX09b)
  • This form is not applicable if you work for Network Rail and hold the RST Online Leisure Card.
  • Use this form to apply for International Coupons ONLY when NO other Family members travelling
  • An FIP Card will be issued if you do not already hold one
  • If you order a large number of coupons, RST may request an outline itinerary to justify the application
  • Coupons will be posted approximately 2 weeks before your indicated date of travel
  • Once posted by RST coupons cannot be replaced if they are lost or damaged, or if you are unable to use them. RST cannot accept them back under any circumstance.
International Duty Travel (XX08)
  • The reason for the request must be documented on the form
  • All applications must be counter-signed by an authorised representative of your employer. For TOC employees this is your Rail Staff Travel Committee representative.
  • If your duty travel requirements on a specific carrier exceed the facility provided by one coupon, please contact RST before making your application on this form, as we may be able to provide alternative more flexible facilities.
Non-FIP Travel Request (XX09d) (Safeguarded Employees only)
  • A minimum of 6 weeks' notice is required for most non-FIP applications (some requests will require a longer notice period, e.g. 10 weeks) as some documents are issued by external organisations.
  • Use this form to apply for:
    • Non-European Railways Letters of Introduction
    • Non-FIP European Railways Letters of Introduction
    • Amtrak Reduced-Rate Authorisation Card (at least 10 weeks' notice required). Please note that to use the Amtrak Reduced-Rate Authorisation Card, reservations must be made within 24 hours of the scheduled departure time from the point or origin of reserved travel by telephoning Amtrak or at an Amtrak station ticket office. Please bear this in mind before applying for Amtrak cards.
    • Irish Ferries - you must provide dates and sailing times

Change of Details Forms

Change of Address (XX15)
  • For changes between UK addresses only
  • Changes to or from a non-UK addresses should be notified by email or post

If you have not moved and have just changed your contact details, then please use the Change of Contact Details form (below).

Please note that RST only holds the postal address of an employee or widow(er). We do not have separate addresses for spouses, partners or dependent children.

Change of Contact Details (XX21)

For a change of email address or phone number.

If you are unable to complete the form because you are a widow(er) and do not know the employee National Insurance number, please contact us by e-mail for assistance.

Renewals Data Check (XX22)
  • For use to verify employee and spouse/partner data where requested by RST
  • If you have dependant children on your record, you do not need to confirm their details on this form.
  • Please complete this form only when requested to do so by RST
Employee Card Not Required (XX23)

 Use to notify us of:

  • The death of an Employee, or;
  • Employee permanently no longer able to travel due to illness, incapacity or other reason

Please also attach a photo of any unexpired Cards, cut into 4 with the name and number clearly showing for cancellation.

Dependant Card Not Required (XX24)

 Use to notify us of:

  • The death of a Dependant, or;
  • Dependant no longer entitled (eg. owing to divorce, separation, child starting work), or;
  • Dependant permanently no longer able to travel due to illness, incapacity or other reason

Please also attach a photo of any unexpired Cards, cut into 4 with the name and number clearly showing for cancellation

Employee Change of Name (XX25)

 Use to notify us of:

  • Your change of name, or;
  • Your change of passport name

If you require a residential (or duty) pass to be replaced please attach an image of it together with your proof of name change and attach as one document to this form.

Please complete form XX46 and attach a photo of any other passes cut into 4 with the name and numbers clearly showing to enable reissue (passes needed for work or residential travel are excluded from this)

Dependant Change of Name (XX26)

 Use to notify us of:

  • Your Dependant's change of name, or;
  • Your Dependant's change of passport name

Please also complete form XX46 and attach a photo of any unexpired Cards, cut into 4 with the name and number clearly showing to enable reissue

Retired Data Check (XX12)

Use this form to verify that RST has the correct data for retired employees and their spouse/partner.

  • We need this data so that we can contact you and verify your identify should we need to.
  • If you are resident outside the UK, you may not be able to enter your phone number(s). If this is the case, please submit the form without your phone numbers.
  • Please e-mail us for assistance if you are unable to complete the form because
    • you do not have a UK National Insurance (NI) number, or;
    • if you are a widow(er) and do not know the employee National Insurance number. 
Attendant Request (XX45)

If you or a family member has difficulty travelling, please apply using this form to allow a companion to travel. 

  • Please ensure you attach the correct documentation to support your request.
  • Only National travel facilities can be updated. 

Replacement Cards Forms

Cards Not Received from a Renewal

If you have not received a card you were expecting as your existing card is due to expire you need to let us know by completing the Renewal Post Loss form (XX47).

Renewal Post Loss (XX47)

From the dispatch date, we allow time for cards to be delivered by Royal Mail. You can only report a card as not received once sufficient time has passed from the dispatch date.

To let us know you haven't received a card you  submit the form below.

You can only submit this form during the time periods below and for the cards listed below.


Date you can report non receipt of card from

Last date to report card as not received before you pay a charge

C2C Card

25 March 2025

30 April 2025

Staff Travel Card

8 April 2025

31 July 2025

LNER Box Card

27 March 2025

31 July 2025

First Group Card

9 April 2025

31 July 2025 

If you have moved address and not let us know, or you only let us know of non-receipt after the last date above you will need to pay for a replacement as if it was a lost card.

Lost/stolen cards

For lost or damaged cards a replacement fee applies.

  • Complete the ‘Replacement of Lost or Damaged Cards’ (XX35). 
  • Submit the Replacement form and wait for a response
  • Payments are made by credit or debit card via RST Online (we will supply details if you don't already have an account).
  • Payments must be made within one month or you will need to re-submit the form
Replacement of Lost or Damaged Cards (XX35)
  • Use this form for lost, damaged or defaced cards and passes
  • If the pass being replaced has an annual allocation of dated boxes, the first replacement replacement in any year will have fewer boxes available. The number depends on when the replacement is requested. The second replacement will have no boxes available. 
  • We will email you once the form is accepted
  • Payments are made via RST Online (we will supply details if you don't already have an account).
  • Payments must be made within one month or you will need to re-submit the form.

Faulty or stolen cards

For faulty cards, complete the ‘Replacement of Faulty or Stolen cards’ (XX34) and submit an image of the faulty card.

For stolen cards, complete the ‘Replacement of Faulty or Stolen cards’ (XX34) including the crime reference number.

Replacement of Faulty or Stolen Cards (XX34)
  • For faulty or stolen cards and passes, or those destroyed or damaged in a fire or flood.
  • Replacements for stolen cards and passes must have a crime number
  • Replacements for faulty cards must have clear colour images attached of the card and pass

Photo Upload

Photo Upload (XX43)

This section allows you to upload photo, mainly for new employees or when requested by RST. Please see below.


Can this form be used?

Upload a photo for a new employee to get rail staff travel


Upload a new photo of a family member who already has rail staff travel


Upload a photo for a retired employee and/or family member at the request of Rail Staff Travel


Upload a photo of a family member who doesn’t yet have rail staff travel

No- you need to submit an ‘add family’ application  

Your photo must be a standard passport size, taken with a digital camera or a smartphone, in a  JPEG format and must be:

  • A colour photo of the head and shoulders.
  • Only contain the image of one person
  • Taken against a flat, plain, contrasting background (cream or grey)
  • Taken within the last month
  • Clear and in focus
  • Facing forward and looking straight into the camera with a neutral expression
  • With your eyes not covered by sunglasses, tinted glasses, glasses frames or hair

If it doesn’t meet this criteria it will be rejected and will delay you getting your rail staff travel cards/passes.

RST Online

Please only use the below forms if you have already received your registation details. You do not need to email to request your registration details as they will be automatically sent to you over the next few months.
RST Online - Request Access for Family Members (XX40)
  • To provide family members with access to RST Online
  • Family member(s) must already hold travel facilities. If they are not in receipt of travel facilities then please submit the relevant form(s) in the Family Members Forms section at the top of this page.
RST Online - Registration Issues (XX41)
  • For use when encountering issues when registering with RST Online
  • Please complete this form only when requested to do so by RST

Ongoing Eligibility Forms

Annual Proof of Unemployment (XX07)
  • Use by Retired/Redundant Safeguarded Employees that are required to provide annual proof of continued eligibility on the grounds of unemployment.
  • Copies of documentary evidence must be sent with the form.

Other Forms

TfL Privilege Oyster Application (XX19) (Safeguarded employees only)
  • You can only submit this form if you hold a Safeguarded Staff Travel Card which does not have the endorsement code "11 Valid on National Rail only" printed on the front. 
  • RST will issue you with approval to have the priv discount set on your Oyster Card.
  • RST will automatically issue an approved form for the employee - eligible family members can be requested on the form. If the employee only needs the approval form for eligible family members, please complete the form as normal. RST will be aware if the employee only requires it for family members.
  • If you already have an Oyster Card with the priv discount set there is no need to reapply for the discount each year - please take your current Staff Travel Card to a London Underground station by 30 June to have the discount renewed
  • If you do not renew the discount by 30 June each year, it expires from the Oyster card and a new approval form is required from RST
  • Adding the priv discount does not affect any credit held on the Oyster card.
  • Dependant only applications should be made via email or post
Documents to Confirm Eligibility (XX46)
  • Only to be used when requested by Rail Staff Travel
  • This form is to supply further documentation to support an existing application
  • This form should not be used to apply for new family members. Doing so will delay your application.
Free tickets (XX14) (Safeguarded Employees only)
  • Only in exceptional circumstances - each request may require individual supporting documentation
  • This form is not for International Travel. Please see the International application forms above.
  • Please apply at least 10 days in advance
Isle of Man Steam Packet Application (XX16) (Safeguarded employees only)
  • You can only submit this form if you hold a Safeguarded Staff Travel Card and are an active employee. 
  • Please apply at least 15 days in advance
Season Ticket Refund Form (XX11)
  • Only used for an application for a refund in respect of Staff Season Tickets (residential journeys only) purchased at a ticket office
  • Processing of refunds may take up to 6-8 weeks
  • For refunds of tickets bought through RST Online, please do not submit this form. You can request your refund through the 'Your Account' functionality in RST Online
Attica Ferries Bari (90030)

Please refer to Travel Tips for Europe for more information

Attica Ferries Ancona (90031)

Please refer to Travel Tips for Europe for more information

In this section