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Rail Staff Travel

Facilities for Employees of the rail industry

Rail Staff Travel

Rail Staff Travel (RST) provides rail staff travel facilities for eligible Active and Retired Employees of the rail industry and eligible family members. RST is part of the Rail Delivery Group.

Information on using staff travel facilities is published in the guides on the Where Can I Go and Restrictions page. It is usually quicker to refer to these guides than e-mail RST for information.

Information for new TOC employees

The Introduction to Rail Staff Travel for new employees of Train Operating Companies is published on the Where Can I Go and Restrictions page.

Information for Network Rail employees

Network Rail employees who are not yet registered for the leisure travel scheme should begin the registration process by completing the online Network Rail form. The link can be accessed only by Network Rail employees and can be found on the Benefits My Connect page. Any queries please contact your local HR team.

Lost, stolen, faulty or damaged cards

To report lost, stolen, faulty or damaged cards, please submit a Replacement of Lost or Damaged Cards, or Replacement of Faulty or Stolen Cards form

The team will process your submission and contact you if payment is required. A list of the Replacement Fees can be found on the Useful Information page.

Contact Centre

Our contact details are at the bottom of this page.

In this section

RST Online

With a registered account you can buy staff discounted tickets through RST Online at

To receive registration details, send us your name and home address by e-mail with "RST Online Registration" as the subject. Requests can only be sent by the employee (as primary cardholder) or widow(er)s.

RST Online is not yet available to those holding cards issued by 3rd parties such as PTAC cards, NIR cards or CIE cards.

Our Key Pages

Our pages can be reached by using the navigation links on the right. However, the following are key pages:

  • Forms - for new family applications and declarations, additional and international travel applications as well as your notifications to us of changes
  • Useful Information - for current earnings and mileage limits
  • Eligibility of Family Members - for guidance on eligibility of family members
  • Where can I go - for Rail Staff Travel guides with details on using your travel facilities and restrictions on their use 
  • Photo Upload - for you to upload passport style photos of yourself and eligible family members
  • Conditions of Issue and Use - for guidance on the use of your staff travel facilities
  • FAQs - many Frequently Asked Questions about Rail Staff Travel


For problems using travel facilities on TOC services, contact the TOC using the details on their website. If your complaint remains unresolved, please contact the Rail Ombudsman.

For problems in the following areas, please contact Rail Staff Travel:

  • Using your Rail Staff Travel facilities on non-TOC services, such as Leisure Railways
  • The service provided to you by Rail Staff Travel
  • Using FIP Rail Staff Travel facilities in Europe

RST Contact Details

Unless you are contacting us about a bereavement, we can only speak to or respond to queries from the active or retired member of staff, or a widow(er), or someone holding Power of Attorney for them.

Call us on:

020 7841 8274 (From outside the UK +44 20 7841 8274)
Phone lines are open from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (excl Bank Holidays). Our phone lines are for those without internet access. For other queries, the information is on our website, or you can e-mail us as below.

Email us at:

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Please include your full name and postal address so that we can find your Rail Staff Travel record and respond appropriately.

Write to us at: Rail Staff Travel, PO Box 80612, London EC4P 4NH

If you are sending us cards or passes by post, we strongly suggest Signed-For Delivery

Unfortunately, changes to our building security means that we cannot offer a "face-to-face" service for personal callers.