Working with RDG
Periodic bulletins from RDG on market performance and trends
It is important that retail partners understand not only how they are trading but also how their performance relates to the overall market situation and trends. RDG shares relevant market data and analysis with retailers on a periodic basis.
Quarterly business reviews
Quarterly meetings are held with individual TPIL holders to review the retailer’s performance and discuss future plans, developments and opportunities. Discussions are treated in confidence and the detail is not shared outside RDG.
TMC (Travel Management Company) reviews are carried out mainly through regular liaison with industry representative groups such as BTA (formerly GTMC), Advantage and ABTA.
Participation in regular retailer forums
RDG has set up two retailer forums, one for TMCs and one for TPIL holders. These forums each meet three times a year with typical agenda topics including: fares and retailing initiatives, technology and innovation, regulatory changes and their impact on the retail environment.
The purpose of these sessions is not for RDG to communicate at retailers but rather to encourage a two-way dialogue between the industry and its retail partners.
Any proposed changes to commercial arrangements and licence conditions can also be raised at these meetings in the first instance, with participants considering whether to progress these discussions in a separate, more frequently convened, sub-group.