Application for Attendant Wording on Rail Staff Travel National Card/Pass

This form must be completed by the primary cardholder which is usually the employee or the widow/widower. Adding attendant wording to a national card/pass allows the cardholder who has a card to have someone travel with them at the same rate. This cannot be added to International Travel facilities.

* - Mandatory Field

Employee/Widow(er) Details
Card Holder Requiring Attendant Wording

**Eligibility codes

(select value in box above)
1 Receive Disability Living Allowance or Child Disability Payment at Either:
  • the higher or lower rate for the mobility component, or
  • the higher or middle rate for the care component

Supporting documentation

  • A copy of the award letter showing receipt of Disability Living Allowance or Child Disability Payment in the past 12 months
2 Receive Personal Independence Payment or Adult Disability Payment at any rate

Supporting documentation

  • A copy of the award letter showing receipt of Personal Independence Payment or Adult Disability Payment in the past 12 months
3 Have a visual impairment

Supporting documentation

  • A copy of the Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI), BP1 Certificate (Scotland) or BD8 Certificate for being registered blind or partially-sighted
4 Are registered as deaf or use a hearing aid

Supporting documentation

  • A copy of the front page of your NHS battery book or a copy of your dispensing prescription from a private hearing aid supplier
5 Have epilepsy and either have repeated seizures even when receiving drug treatment; or are currently prohibited from driving

Supporting documentation

  • A copy of your Exemption Certificate for epilepsy medication and a photocopy of your prescription for drugs. Residents of Scotland and Wales and those aged 60 and over in England, where a Medical Exemption Card is not required, you need only supply a photocopy of your prescription or
  • A copy of your Exemption Certification for epilepsy medication and a photocopy of your letter from the DVLA telling you that you are unable to drive
6 Receive Attendance Allowance, Severe Disablement Allowance or Pension Age Disability Payment

Supporting documentation

  • A copy of the award letter
7 Receive War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement

Supporting documentation

  • A copy of the award letter
8 Receive War or Service Disablement Pension for 80% or more disability

Supporting documentation

  • A copy of the award letter
9 Are buying or leasing a vehicle through the Motability scheme

Supporting documentation

  • A copy of the leasing or hire-purchase agreement, dated within the past 12 months
Declaration by the Primary Cardholder*