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Retailing costs


This page will help explain the RDG costs, industry costs, ongoing fees, external costs and fees to be aware of.
The tables found in the link below are intended to give retail partners an indication of the entry costs they can expect to see whilst in start-up and the ongoing fees from year 1 and year 2 onwards.

The charges and fees listed are ones that Rail Delivery Group has visibility of either because we set them or one of our suppliers sets them.

The costs listed are for illustrative purposes as not all the costs will be relevant in every case. As you progress your application, the costs and fees you are subject to will be explained in more details.

Not shown are costs or fees you might incur outside of Rail Delivery Group, although Section 2 shows the area where you can expect to incurs costs of which Rail Delivery Group has no influence over.

Please see pdf Entry Costs (241 KB) for the tables showing fees.