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Schemes and Services Board

The RDG uses this Strategic Boards to make decisions:

The high level objectives of SSB are to ensure the delivery of RDG’s schemes and services, formally review commissions and major programmes, ensure the right conversations at the right level - with a renewed focus on delivering industry wide reform, deliver a simpler and better railway though governance for the customer, taxpayer and members.

Key responsibilities of the Schemes and Services Board (SSB) are:

  • Overseeing the strategic responsibilities of all RDG schemes and member services through oversight of subgroups, approval of strategies, delegated financial and scheme authorities (that SSB agree to delegate) and endorsing the RDG budget and business plan.
  • Reviewing reform-related work and its impact on scheme and member commitments including oversight of commissions and major programmes delivery.
  • Setting the strategic approach to the customer journey of tomorrow, business development, investment, regulation, and customer proposition
  • Either directly or through RDG engagement with DfT and GBRTT ensuring alignment of activities and financial planning.
  • Driving and managing the evolution of governance in relation to schemes and services over the next 12-24 months as RDG moves towards GBR.

Senior Subcommittees

Note - we may not publish details of every group.

  • Finance, Risk, Assurance and Compliance Committee
  • Retail and Commercial Committee
  • Customer Committee
  • Data and Technology Committee
  • Network Performance and Planning Board
  • People Strategy Board
  • EC4T Committee
  • Rail Staff Travel Committee

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