Photo Upload

This form should be used to provide:

You cannot use this form to add family members to your rail staff travel record.
If you have not yet added a family member to your record, you need to apply for them using the forms on the Forms page providing the necessary proof of eligibility.

* - Mandatory Field

Employee/Widow(er) details
Photo Upload Details (add name of person whose photo you are uploading)
Photo Information
Your photo must meet the criteria below. We will confirm if your photo is acceptable when it is processed. We require a recent digital colour passport size photo, no larger than 4MB and:
  • Only contain the image of one person
  • Taken against a plain background (ideally cream or grey)
  • Clear and in focus and showing only the head and shoulders
  • Facing forward and looking straight into the camera with a neutral expression
  • The whole face should be visible. Eyes cannot be covered by sunglasses, tinted glasses, glasses frames or hair. It must also not be in full or partial shadow.
  • Must not be edited with filters (i.e. a snapchat photo)
Your photo will be rejected if it does not meet the criteria above.