Dependant - Change of Name

* - Mandatory Field

Employee Details
Dependant New Name and Documentary Proof of Change
Dependant Former Name
Dependant Passport Name (only complete if different from dependant's new details)

Additional Information
  • Any documents supplied that are not in English must be accompanied by an official translation
  • All cards and passes must either be cut up into four and an image attached to form XX46 or be returned to RST (by "signed for" delivery) - to Rail Staff Travel, PO Box 80612, LONDON EC4P 4NH - for reissue in your new name
    • International travel: your dependant's FIP card must match their passport name, so only complete form XX46 and attach a photo of this pass cut into 4 with the name and numbers clearly showing if they are also changing their passport
    • Leisure travel: please complete form XX46 and attach a photo of any passes cut into 4 with the name and numbers clearly showing to enable reissue in their new name.