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Railway Engineering Graduate Scheme (REGS)

At the Rail Delivery Group, we manage the Railway Engineering Graduate Scheme (REGS) for engineering undergraduates and graduates seeking a career in mechanical or electrical engineering with UK rail companies.

Rail companies - including passenger and freight operators - are looking to recruit engineering graduates across the country. Successful candidates join the Railway Engineering Graduate Scheme. The scheme is accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institute of Engineering and Technology, and offers a fast route towards Chartered or Incorporated Engineer status.

What we need from you

  • A MEng or BEng degree accredited by the IMEchE or the IET
  • Ability to apply your engineering knowledge in an intensely practical environment
  • Good job mobility as placements will take you all over the country or even abroad
  • Self motivation, ability to innovate and to work well in teams

Prior knowledge of the railway industry is not required.

During your initial months on the scheme, you will be involved in all the varied fleet engineering aspects including maintenance, design, construction as well as the comprehensive technical aspects.

You will be expected to move on from your graduate role on to an engineering role within the company, building up on your competences to be able to apply for Chartered or Incorporated status.

As well as receiving support from RDG, you will be assigned a mentor who will be a senior engineer in the industry. Your mentor will monitor your progress and will offer counselling and advice throughout your time on the scheme.

How to apply

To apply for an engineering graduate role, please send your CV and cover letter to

Applications are forwarded to the train companies throughout the year.

What some of our graduates say

Sandra Armanous

Year Placement Engineer at Rail Delivery Group

I became interested in the railway after I read articles about it in the IMechE’s Professional Engineering magazine. I also had a mentor from my university (Queen Mary University of London) who worked on the Four Line Modernisation project, and this encouraged me to consider a career in the industry.

Joining Rail Delivery Group as a Year Placement Engineer has definitely confirmed my interest in rail. This opportunity has also broadened my awareness and knowledge of different categories in rail such as standards, depot incidents, fleet reliability, and COVID-19!

Being enrolled in the Railway Engineering Graduate Scheme (REGS) has further enriched my experience thanks to the numerous and diverse opportunities available. From getting involved in outreach activities to completing training courses, this has all given me an opportunity to develop my competencies and network.

Having a mentor is also very beneficial as I get to learn from my mentor’s experience and receive guidance to help me prepare for my Chartership application with the IMechE.

I would highly recommend the scheme to anyone who is curious about the railways, enjoys problem-solving, and would like to get involved in impactful work.

Jack Evans

Management Graduate (Engineering), Great Western Railway

Since a very young age I have always been extremely passionate about the railways.

I feel proud to be an employee of Great Western Railway as a Management Graduate in the engineering department. I am based at St Philips Marsh Depot in Bristol and have loved every second so far.

I am a part of the Railway Engineering Graduate Scheme (REGSs), where I have attended several technical training courses so far with other REGS graduates from other train companies. This is a good way of networking with people at the same level as myself.

The REGS technical courses are superb. The first one I attended was a crash course on all things relating to traction and rolling stock - this helped iron out any knowledge gaps regarding the fundamental build up of a train.

I was lucky enough to have a space on the first ever Rolling Stock Software integration course run by REGS. This was brilliant – software is everywhere in modern rolling stock, and knowing core information assists us developing engineers in being able to know what questions we really need to ask in order to improve, and also in the future we may be in a position where we are required to write a software specification for a new fleet.

I am enjoying my role very much and look forward to developing my people and engineering management skills further.


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