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Folder PR18 responses


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pdf RDG response to ORR consultations: 1. Holding Network Rail to account; 2. ORR's approach to assessing the quality of Network Rail's stakeholder engagement in CP6 ( pdf, 483 KB ) (983 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultations: 1. Implementing infrastructure cost charges for open access operators; 2. ORR's draft guidance on the economic equilibrium test ( pdf, 472 KB ) (980 downloads)
pdf RDG response to the consultation on the role of ORR in enhancements in CP6 ( pdf, 608 KB ) (811 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation on the Draft Determination ( pdf, 707 KB ) (895 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation on changes to the network licence ( pdf, 607 KB ) (907 downloads)
pdf RDG submission to ORR on Schedule 4 cost compensation for CP6 ( pdf, 1.13 MB ) (1279 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR Working Paper 8: Managing change affecting the PR18 settlements ( pdf, 409 KB ) (755 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation on assessing Network Rail’s efficiency and wider financial performance in CP6 ( pdf, 339 KB ) (923 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation on amending Schedule 4 notification factors ( pdf, 513 KB ) (1004 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR Working Paper 7: Collaborative working on the rail network ( pdf, 701 KB ) (770 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR Working Paper 6: The volume incentive ( pdf, 489 KB ) (768 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR update on the financial framework for PR18 ( pdf, 531 KB ) (800 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR PR18 consultation on charges recovering fixed network costs ( pdf, 572 KB ) (875 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation on possible measures of the System Operator’s performance ( pdf, 661 KB ) (825 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation on the overall framework for regulating Network Rail ( pdf, 439 KB ) (811 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation on improving Network Rail’s renewals efficiency ( pdf, 491 KB ) (899 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation on the financial framework for PR18 ( pdf, 256 KB ) (815 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation on development of the regulatory settlement for the Network Rail national system operator in CP6 ( pdf, 363 KB ) (819 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR PR18 consultation on draft guidance on Network Rail’s strategic business plans ( pdf, 271 KB ) (889 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR Working Paper 5: Options for the treatment of enhancements in PR18 ( pdf, 78 KB ) (859 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR Working Paper 4: Outputs framework ( pdf, 326 KB ) (699 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR Working Paper 1: Implementing route-level regulation ( pdf, 343 KB ) (835 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR Working Papers 2 & 3: System Operation and System Operator Regulation ( pdf, 451 KB ) (710 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR initial consultation on the 2018 Periodic Review (PR18) ( pdf, 403 KB ) (697 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation on how network charges can improve efficiency ( pdf, 568 KB ) (691 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR PR18 reviews of Schedules 4 and 8 of track access contracts ( pdf, 537 KB ) (771 downloads)