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Folder Consultation responses


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pdf RDG response to DfT consultation on the application of Appendix E (CUI) to COTIF ( pdf, 292 KB ) (802 downloads)
pdf RDG response to BIS consultation on options to refine the UK competition regime ( pdf, 387 KB ) (899 downloads)
pdf RDG submission to Transport Select Committee inquiry into rail franchising ( pdf, 215 KB ) (959 downloads)
pdf RDG response to BIS National Innovation Plan ( pdf, 100 KB ) (884 downloads)
pdf RDG response to DECC consultation on implementing an exemption for Energy Intensive Industries from the indirect costs of the Renewables Obligation and Feed-in Tariff schemes ( pdf, 388 KB ) (816 downloads)
pdf RDG submission to Transport Select Committee inquiry into improving rail passenger experience ( pdf, 382 KB ) (871 downloads)
pdf RDG submission to Transport Select Committee inquiry into rail technology, signalling and traffic management ( pdf, 448 KB ) (918 downloads)
pdf RDG response to DECC consultation on further reforms to the Capacity Market ( pdf, 398 KB ) (852 downloads)
pdf RDG response to DfT/TfL consultation: A new approach to rail passenger services in London and the South East ( pdf, 318 KB ) (771 downloads)
pdf RDG response to Welsh Government consultation: Setting the direction for Wales and the Borders Rail ( pdf, 483 KB ) (796 downloads)
pdf RDG response to DfT Hendy report consultation ( pdf, 364 KB ) (795 downloads)
pdf RDG response to HM Treasury National Infrastructure Commission consultation ( pdf, 375 KB ) (719 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR consultation: Charging framework for the Heathrow spur ( pdf, 365 KB ) (795 downloads)
pdf RDG response to Transport Scotland consultation towards Scotland’s rail freight strategy 'Delivering the Goods' ( pdf, 538 KB ) (739 downloads)
pdf RDG response to DfT rail regulation call for evidence ( pdf, 512 KB ) (833 downloads)
pdf RDG submission to the Shaw Review ( pdf, 121 KB ) (702 downloads)
pdf RDG response to the Valk review into planning and timing of engineering works on the GB rail network ( pdf, 167 KB ) (841 downloads)
pdf RDG response to ORR review of economic enforcement policy ( pdf, 887 KB ) (743 downloads)
pdf Input paper to the EC: Tendering for PSO contracts ( pdf, 386 KB ) (799 downloads)
pdf Rolling Stock Strategy Steering Group response to the ORR review of the rolling stock leasing market investigation order 2009 ( pdf, 216 KB ) (902 downloads)
pdf Planning Oversight Group response to the Public Bill Committees Scrutiny Unit call for written evidence: Infrastructure Bill (HL) ( pdf, 211 KB ) (716 downloads)
pdf RDG response to consultation on the London Infrastructure Plan 2050 ( pdf, 68 KB ) (782 downloads)
pdf RDG response to BIS/DECC consultation on eligibility for EMR CfD exemption & RO FiT compensation ( pdf, 706 KB ) (755 downloads)
pdf National Rail Enquiries response to ORR consultation on Real Time Train information ( pdf, 219 KB ) (3291 downloads)
pdf ATOC's submission to the ORR consultation on transparency ( pdf, 837 KB ) (928 downloads)
pdf ATOC response to ORR/DfT consultation on the role of the regulator ( pdf, 371 KB ) (751 downloads)
pdf ATOC submission to the Cabinet Office public consultation "Making open data real" ( pdf, 471 KB ) (763 downloads)
pdf ATOC response to consultation on High Speed Rail: investing in Britain's future ( pdf, 610 KB ) (874 downloads)
pdf ATOC response to DfT consultation on the future of franchising ( pdf, 96 KB ) (810 downloads)