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RDG response to call for evidence

GBRTT’s recent call for evidence, to inform their 30-year Strategic Plan for the industry (formerly known as the Whole-Industry Strategic Plan, or WISP), was an opportunity for the wider industry to formally submit their views.

RDG, on behalf of its Owning Group and Freight Board members, submitted a comprehensive response, which was developed and coordinated with the support and guidance of RDG’s Planning Oversight Group (POG) and its dedicated Task-and-Finish Group. The submission is backed up by solid evidence and research, such as the ‘Assessing the value of rail freight’, and the ‘Catalysing a green recovery: creating jobs by building Britain’s net zero railway’ research.

The key points of the response include:

  • An unwavering focus on the customer must underpin the Strategic Plan, as this will drive passenger and revenue growth which in turn will improve financial sustainability, deliver wider economic growth and support other objectives
  • GBR should use its approach to contracting to make best use of the private sector and its proven ability, when properly incentivised, to deliver for customers and taxpayers, to make best use of existing assets and to reduce waste
  • Rail can provide the backbone of a sustainable, resilient, zero-carbon transport network that connects communities and supports economic development across the country.
  • Rail freight, which brings benefits of £2.45 billion to the UK annually, is critical to levelling up and needs an ambitious target of trebling volumes over the life of the plan
  • Successful delivery of the Strategic Plan will depend on each part of the industry understanding its role and accountabilities and focusing on how to make the maximum possible contribution to achieving the strategic objectives. The plan should deliver as much clarity on industry accountabilities and responsibilities as possible
  • Operators are committed to playing their part and making the plan a success

Going forward, RDG and its members will continue to be involved in detailed engagement and development of the Plan.

Read the Whole Industry Strategic Plan

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